Jingdong in Numbers - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Check out our infographic for latest statistics and trends about Jingdong (JD.com) , one of the biggest e-commerce websites in China.  Founded in 1998, today Jingdong has more than 21.2% of B2c e-commerce market share in China and more than 60,000 merchants on its Platform.

Jingdong in Numbers

Infographic by GO Globe Hong Kong Web Design

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Founder - Liu Qiangdong

Estimated number of Employees – 68,109

Estimated Number of Merchants - 60,000

Annual active Customer accounts – 96.6 Million

Number of visits per month – 133 Million

Number of fulfilled orders in 2014 – 689 Million up from 323.3 Million in 2013

More than half of the orders are coming from mobile devices

Estimate market Share of B2C online shopping in China - 21.2%

GMV figures of 2014 - RMB260.2 billion up 107% from 2013

Net revenues in 2014 RMB115.0 billion up 66% from 2013


Sale Statistics on Singles Day in 2014 -

Number of Orders placed – 11 Million

Physical Items Sold – 35.19 Million

Over 40% of orders were placed via mobile devices

Sale Statistics on Anniversary Sales 2015

Number of Orders Placed – 15 Million

%age of orders placed from mobile devices – 60%


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